Site Information

About Us

Craft Moods (owned and operated by Ray and Vicki Moodie) was registered on 5 June 1990 as a design and publishing business to produce craft patterns to promote sales of craft related items in retail stores throughout Australia. At the time we owned and operated a retail store, Caboolture Arts and Crafts, where we trialled patterns in support of our range of stock which eventually led to the development of the Craft Moods crochet and knitting-in-lace books, specifically designed to promote sales of various styles of eyelet lace and the towel topper books. Many other books followed as a result of public demand for particular patterns.

Paragon crochet, knitting and craft books had been distributed throughout Australia since the 1930's by Paragon Art Needlecraft Pty Ltd of Sydney NSW which was closing down in July 1995 when Craft Moods took over the copyright and publishing of all Paragon publications. We are now in the long process of revising and republishing many of the old books that have been out of print for decades.

We sold the retail store in 1997 and concentrated on revising the Paragon range of publications but by 2002 the frustration of not being able to source suitable thread led to the creation of Crochet Australia, a one stop on-line shop for all things crochet, knitting and tatting. We sold this business in 2014 as it unfortunately consumed most of our energy and had left little time to produce more books but has resulted in a range of unique crochet patterns and crochet books plus second hand books.

Craft Moods is now located in Cooloola Cove near Tin Can Bay in Queensland Australia.

ABN 46 136 921 238

Craft Moods
6 Cerebus Ct

Tel 07 54029904

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